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A ProProcess process consists of the following objects.

The individual objects are described in detail in the following subchapters.


BPMN Graphic / Icon




The process is the top object. Global settings and start options are maintained on the process.

Process end

Each process has a predefined process end. Within the process, however, further process ends and/or terminations can be inserted.

Process termination

Special process end, which also ends the process at runtime but puts it into a special termination state.


Branching with 1 - n outputs, of which exactly 1 output can become active at runtime. The control is done either manually at runtime or by means of a set of rules.
Furthermore, an exclusive gateway also allows a repetition.
For each gateway start there is necessarily also a gateway end, which is displayed with the same icon.


Section with 1 - n outputs, which are all processed in parallel. Individual outputs can also be controlled and tied to conditions.
For each gateway start there is necessarily also a gateway end, which is displayed with the same icon.


Each output in a gateway is a gate. Gates can be activated manually at runtime or dynamically via formulas.
Exclusive gateways require one (1) standard gate. This is activated if no other active gate can be determined due to conditions.

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Milestone / Interemdiate Event / Milestone

Currently all Intermediate events are treated as ProProcess milestones which can be used to track the process progress.

Sub processes

With sub-processes several processes can be linked. This makes it possible to divide an overall process into several smaller, independent processes. This allows a more flexible design on the one hand and on the other hand a higher reusability of pre-defined process units. settings.

Part processes

Part-processes form an additional structuring element. Within part-processes only activities are defined, which are processed in parallel or serially, depending on the settings.


Activities describe a set of tasks that can be performed by a specific user group.
Within activities, 1 to n tasks must be defined.


The concrete tasks must be executed by the processor of the activity. ProNovia provides different types of tasks, which are continuously extended.
