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Routings and inspection plans should be created as exact copies of the templates. There are restrictions for components, because only material master records (or a clone of the material master record) which are part of a BOM can be added to a routing and assigned to a certain process.

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In general all plans, which have been created by ProMassOperations must be corrected. Especially the assignment of the components if a plan is assigned to several material master records with individual BOM.

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If structures are completed afterwards, e.g. a clone operation is continued, the BOM will be adapted, but assignments of components to BOM will not be corrected afterwards.

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If data elements are used and they are assigned to the BOM during the clone process (e.g. with ProConfiguration), the routing may not be able to assign the components. In this case, the routing will be created without components and a message will be written in the action log.
If change numbers and data elements are used, it is recommended to use identical dates for the validity of the change number for cloning and the date element. When using ProConfiguration the date is 01.01.9999.
