To adjust an existing view, it is recommended to copy the template view into a new form within the customer name space (Y* or Z*). Otherwise a product delivery can and will override your changes. The name of this new form must be entered as a parameter in the corresponding widget (e.g. CUSTOM_VIEW_* for Simple Data Widget or CUSTOM_VIEW_DRAW for Document Data Widget). For the corresponding customizing settings, refer to the corresponding customizing manual.
All structural adjustments to the form are done always in the view structure widget.
Important forms are:
Form ID | Description | Product(s) |
/PCH/PLC_AENR_SIMPLE_DATA | Change Master Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_CRHD_SIMPLE_DATA | Workcenter Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_DRAW_SIMPLE_DATA | Dokument Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_EQUI_SIMPLE_DATA | Equipment Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_IFLOT_SIMPLE_DATA | Functional Location Simple | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_MARA_SIMPLE_DATA | Material Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_MARC_SIMPLE_DATA | Plant Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_MARD_SIMPLE_DATA | Material - Storage Location Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_MLGN_SIMPLE_DATA | Distribution Chain Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_MLGT_SIMPLE_DATA | Distribution Chain Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_MVKE_SIMPLE_DATA | Plant Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PLKO_INSPECTION_SIMPLE_DATA | Inspection Plan Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PLKO_RATE_ROUTING_SIMPLE_DATA | Rate Routing Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PLKO_REF_RATE_ROUT_SIMPLE_DATA | Reference Operation Set Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PLKO_REFERENCE_OP_SIMPLE_DATA | Reference Rate Routing Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PLKO_ROUGH_CUT_SIMPLE_DATA | Rough-cut Planning Profile Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PLKO_ROUTING_SIMPLE_DATA | Routing Plan Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PROJ_SIMPLE_DATA | Project Definition Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PROJS_SIMPLE_DATA | Standard Project Template Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PRPS_SIMPLE_DATA | WBS Element Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/PLC_PRPSS_SIMPLE_DATA | Standard WBS Element Simple Data | ProPLMClient |
/PCH/AFW_MARA_FORM | (Default) Material form for creating / editing all material master views | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_MARA_FORM_DISPLAY_BASIC | Material form for displaying material master basic data | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_MARA_FORM_EDIT_BASIC | Material form for creating / changing material master basic data | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_MARC_FORM | (Default) Material - plant form for displaying/editing all plant specific material views | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_MARC_FORM_DISPLAY_CMPLT | Material - plant form for display of all (maintained) plant specific material views | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_MARC_FORM_EDIT_CMPLT | Material - plant form for editing all plant specific material views | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_MVKE_FORM | (Default) Material - distribution chain form for displaying/editing distribution chain specific material view | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_MVKE_FORM_DISPLAY | Material - distribution chain form for displaying distribution chain specific material view | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_MVKE_FORM_EDIT | Material - distribution chain form for editing distribution chain specific material view | ProMaterial |
/PCH/AFW_DRAW_FORM | Document form | ProDocument |
To remove sections or fields from a form, it is recommended to hide the respective elements, instead of removing it. This way, it is possible to show the fields again, in case they are needed. Fields can be removed by setting their visible attribute to not visible or via the context menu function hide element. The function hide element is also available on row level. In this case, all elements of the row will be set to not visible. Via multi select, it is possible hide multiple elements at once.
When setting an container element to not visible, the whole content below is not shown. It is not necessary to set all sub elements to invisible. |
If a data field shall display a different type, the type can be changed afterwards via the context menu function Change type by selecting the desired type.
Due to the fact that a form may show any data, regardless of the actual object, all content provider (e.g. feeder) are shown. | |
Adding fields to a form with no relation to the corresponding basic data structure will have no effect. | |
Simple data forms can only support a limited set of types due the technical restrictions of the SAP list tree control. Using a not supported type may result in unexpected behavior |
Expanded | Defines if the Folder is expanded when the form is displayed initially |
Container layout |
Load on expand | Load on expand can be used to reduce the initial data loading for the content. Data below the node is not transported to the GUI and, in case this is supported by the feeder, the data is loaded only when the node is expanded. |
Title | Defines the title of the Folder in the Simple Data Tree. It is recommended to use One of the supported Text Symbols for internationalization. |
Auto. hide when empty | The Folder is not displayed, if no visible sub element is below. This can be used to hide folder, which are not relevant for the current Object (e.g. data not present at the current object) or the user has no access to the corresponding data. |
Container Type |
Expandable | If the container is set to expandable, the form will generate a tray like (expandable) group |
Expanded | Only applicable when the container is set to expandable. In this case, the default state (initially expanded or initially collapsed) is defined via this attribute. |
Title | An expandable container must have a title, a non expandable container may have a title. If it has a title, the container is rendered as a group element, otherwise it is rendered with no further visible elements |
Expand locked | Only applicable to expandable containers. If the expand is locked on a container, it is rendered as a tray without the possibility to expand / collapse the container. |
Container layout |
First of all, the business object data structures must be enhanced. Most business objects have an external and an internal view on the Business Data. Due to this fact, it is required that both structures (DB and External) must be enhanced in the same way. Please refer to the corresponding OBJ Integration & Enhancement document for more Information.
Some Business Objects (MARA, MARC and MVKE) provide additionally to the MAIN data the so called EXT data (extended data). These structure consists of all fields relevant for the business object in case of display / edit, but not relevant for basic operations.
In case the business object provides an extended structure and the customer specific fields are only for display / edit, it is suggested to add them into the extended structure. |
The corresponding SAP Standard tables are already enhanced with the customer specific fields which shall be added to the form.
Enhancing the business Object main data structures
If not already done, append a new customer specific structure to both structures (internal and external view) and add the field to both. Make sure that the field is in the same position and that you used the same data element in both structures.
If you plan to use the same names in the external view as the field is named in the database, it is suggested to use one single common include for both structures (normal and DB). |
List of relevant Business object structures
Business Object | external view | internal view |