Control groups will be preselected according to Selection of Control Groups . This selection allows only simple access valid for the entire system. Using complex rules, as defined in the selection rules the control groups can be restricted even more.
In general a control group can be used for a ProMaterialData process if:
It was chosen via preselecting acc. to Selection of Control Groups.
At least one selection rule was tested positive, e.g. if all filter checks have been tested positive.
In case more control groups are valid, setting „Multiple control groups" will determine the procedure:
Setting „Multiple control groups" is defined by valid control groups with the highest priority (smallest value):
This setting will be used, if at least one control group was set „Multiple control groups, even with different priority" („MS=U").
This setting will be used, if not MS=U and at least one of the control groups was set „Multiple control groups with identical priority „MS=G".
Else only one control group will become active („MS=N").
If multiple control groups are valid, but setting MS=N is active, error messages „MMS: Customizing error: multiple control groups for current data possible" appears and material master changes cannot be saved.
If MS=G, only active control groups with highest priority will be used.
If MS=U, all valid control groups are treated following the priority order.
If MS=N, the control group with the highest priority will be used.
Filter for Selection Rules
One or more filter rules can be defined. Only if all have been confirmed positively a selection rule will become valid and the control group will be used.
Procedure of filter check:
Value Handler determines value (previous or new value acc. to control group).
If no value can be found, the check is negative (e.g. material master data have not been maintained).
Comparison of value with registered test value using the selected operator.
These filters will always be tested, independent if the current value has been changed or not (unlike activating dependencies).
Characteristics allowing multiple values can be used, see Filter Definition.Für die Verwendung zusammen mit dem ProFramework Widget "Steuergruppen Auswahl" muss immer mit einem Filter COMPL:MMS Filterfeld API-SELECTION-GRP gearbeitet werden. In den Widget-Parametern sind die zu verwendenden Auswahlgruppen zu definieren. Für alle anderen Verwendungen mit den API Klassen wird auch empfohlen immer mit einer solcher Auswahlgruppe zu arbeiten.
Note |
If used for a ProFramework Widget "Control group selection" always a filter COMP:MMS with filter field API-SELECTION-GRP must be defined. Using the widget parameters the selection groups to use have to be defined. For all other usages of the API classes it is also recommended to work with selection groups. |