Info |
Characteristics with multiple values and DBVAL:MMS with * and returning multiple values can only be used in the filters listed below. In other filters, e.g. "Field for control group selection" or "Check field values", such characteristics can be used, but if more than one value is assigned, every check will return FALSEĀ as result. |
Characteristics with multiple values and DBVAL:MMS with * and returning multiple values are supported with some restrictions in following filters:
Control groups > Selection rules > Filter to selection rules
Control groups > Dependencies > Activation
Following rules apply:
The "from/to" operator can not be used.
ProMaterialData checks multiple rules for the same field always OR-combined (for EQ, LE, LT, GE, GT checks) or AND-combined (for NE checks). This applies also for multiple values:
For EQ, LE, LT, GE and GT if one of the filter values is in any of the values, the condition is treated as TRUE.
If in a NE check any of the filter values is found in any of the values, then the condition is treaded as FALSE.
Note that in the filter "Activation of Dependencies" a change of any of the values is treated as "Change of filter value", even if the value added or removed is not contained in the filter values. The "Change" corresponds to the sum of all values. But the check of the conditions is always performed on the defined values as described above.