In terms of licensing not a certain license is acquired, but a solution that may include several licenses, but at least one main license.
Table filter |
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isOR | AND |
Solution | Additional License(s) / Notes |
ADM ProAdmin | | AFW-DEV ProFramework Development | | BPF-CORE ProProcess | ProProcess functions with object list. | BPF-OBJLIS ProProcess | ProProcess functions with object list. | BPF-PA ProProcess Analyse | | C5C (Sub-solution of GCP) ProIntegrationLib CatiaConv | | CFM ProConfiguration | DOCCTRL - Document control MATCTRL - Material control ECMCTRL - Change master control ProFramework Widgets ProFramework Object handlers
| CFM-CDB ProBaseline | | CFM-GCP (Sub-solution of CFM) ProIntegrationLib | | CFM-LOG (Sub-solution of CFM) ProConfiguration Logistic Extension | | CHD ProChangeDoc | | CMC ProChangeData | | DMC ProDocument | | DMC-CLONE (Sub-solution of DMC) ProDocument - Clone | | ESB ProEasyBrowse | | SCD ProSCMDashboard | | MMC ProMaterial | | MMS ProMaterialData | License-Options: A → API Programming M → Mass Operations
| MSC ProMassOperations | | MSC-CLONE ProMassOperationsClone | | MSM-DOC ProMassMaint document info record maintenance | Internal MSM License | MSM-MAT ProMassMaint material master maintenance | Internal MSM License | MSO ProOffice | | OLM ProObjectLifecycleManager | | OLM-BPF ProObjectLifecycleManager & ProProcess | Only available for ProObjectLifecycleManager customers for a defined period while migrating to ProProcess. Afterwards the solution is changed to BPF-CORE. | OLM-FIORI ProObjectLifecycleManager Fiori App | | PCM ProChange | | PLC ProPLMClient | | RQF ProRequestForm | | SMC-*R | Licence to open / create a read only ProStructure relation (comparison). See SMC licences below. | SMC-*U | Licence to open / create a updating / synchronizing ProStructure relation. See SMC licences below. | SMC-IPMSR / SMC-IPMSU ProStructure iPPE-MAST | | SMC-MSMSR / SMC-MSMSU ProStructure MAST-MAST | | SMC-MSPSR / SMC-MSPSU ProStructure MAST-PRST | | SMC-PSMSR / SMC-PSMSU ProStructure PRST-MAST | | SMC-PSPSR / SMC-PSPSU ProStructure PRST-PRST | | UGC (Sub-solution of GCP) ProIntegrationLib UGConv | |