Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

ProOffice can be enhanced using various enhancement points:

  • ProObjectLib Document Integration enhancement points

    • All "Customer Exits" described in the section "Customer Exits" of the ProObjectLib Integration and Enhancement manual

  • Enhancement of Office Open XML filling:

    • Enhancementspot /PCH/MSO_XML


    • Methods:

      • START_UPDATE, initial call before filling each document to initialize own date.

      • UPDATE_WORD_AREA, called for each area of a word document. This the main, each header and each footer area.

      • UPDATE_EXCEL_WORKSHEET, called for each excel work sheet in a excel document.

      • END_UPDATE, end call after filling each document to clean up own data.

        Image Removed

Extension of Office Open XML documents requires profound knowledge in this area. Even small errors can change the document in such a way that it can no longer be opened by Microsoft Office.