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Namespace: /PCH/
Namespace role: C
Reep license: 42783920441967554222
Short text: SAP/PLM products of ProNovia AG
Owner: ProNovia AG

Damit Änderungen im Namensraum vorgenommen werden können, muss der Namensraum zudem auf Änderbar gesetzt werden. Hierzu ebenfalls in der Transaktion SE03 den Punkt Transport Organizer Tools -> Administration -> Systemänderbarkeit setzen aufrufen und dann im unteren Bereich den soeben angelegten Namensraum /PRONOVIA/, resp. /PCH/ suchen und die Änderbarkeit auf ändern setzen.

In order for changes to be made to the namespace, the namespace must also be set to Modifiable. To do this, go to transaction SE03 and select Transport Organizer Tools → Administration → Set System Changeability. In the lower section, look for the namespace /PRONOVIA/ or /PCH/ that you have just created and set the changeability to Change.

Note on transporting repairs

Repairs in such namespaces can only be included in local change requests. To transport the adjustments, proceed as follows:


Create a normal workbench request, which has the correct target system entered.


Select the function "Include objects..." in the context menu of the request.


Select the option "Object list of a request

