You create a structure relationship directly in the ProMassMaintain application by selecting the "Create" function, which is provided in the "Navigation" Widget and "Mass Maintenance Task Basic Header Data" Widget widgets via the "Create" button:
Then the dialog for entering the basic data is offered, see "Mass Maintenance Task Basic Header Data" Widget. The creation is concluded with "Save" .
The status is set automatically depending on the data source of the assigned maintenance type, see Mass maintenance tasks → Status.
The basic data of a mass maintenance task can be maintained using the function "Change mass maintenance task". This function is called using the icon in the title line of the basic data widget. Locked mass maintenance tasks cannot be changed and only the name and authorization group can be changed in this way after they have been created.
Any possible status change is made by calling the function "Set status". This is called up using the icon in that of the basic data widget. The possible statuses are offered directly for selection, see Mass maintenance tasks → Status.
The function "Delete mass maintenance task", which is offered via the icon in the title bar, deletes a mass maintenance task completely from the system. Any changes already applied to the objects remain in place.
Note |
A mass maintenance task deleted in this way cannot be restored. |