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This function allows setting the document status, the user, the authorization group and/or the processing scenario. It will neither cause a check for actual state nor the user. The scenario can be selected via input help, die input is checked. It is also possible the set/change the date element on the change master for the document (and the subordinated objects).

In order to change or set the authorization group, the SAP DMS authorization must be given.

Option „synchronize OLM" will only be available when ProObjectLifecycleManager is installed on your system and when the object has been assigned to an OLM process.

The processing scenario can only be set if ProConfiguration is installed on your system and the document info record is ProConfiguration relevant.

Whether a change document will be written has to be defined in the customizing of ProAdmin. It cannot be changed in this setting.

See also ADM | ProAdmin | Customizing Manual.



When changing a document status, no integrated processes will be triggered. The status will be set directly on the database, without further control (e.g. on ProConfiguration object dependencies). This may result in data inconsistencies, if the user is not aware of other dependencies or is not respecting them.


The function is protected by authorizations. See also ProAdmin Customizing Manual.



Customer Exit available to make checks and run actions before status change.

