Versions Compared


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In case the MUD-monitor is not started directly for a MUD, a screen to select the objects to read is displayed. The selection is possibly by status of action but also by:


In screen section status it is possible to select, which status the MUD entry must have, to be selected for the monitor:


Document in process (versioning)


Allows selecting MUD by different attributes.




Execution parameter

For changes on the objects during a MUD action, the change number for the changes must be registered. Execution parameter Change number "Change" allows selection of MUD actions to the selected change numbers.


When and by whom the data was registered. For MUD data with status document in process, this means the user, the creation date and time of the MUD version. For all other status, this means the user, the date and time when the mid was released and entered for processing on other usages.

Last change

User, date and time, when the MUD records have been processed the last time in the MUD-monitor.

Selection by MUD

Selection by number or change number of MUD used in this action.


Selection by Basic Material

Allows selecting by basic material which has been used for Replace basic material.

