Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

For ProMaterialData mass operations, the ProMaterialData license option "M" is required.


  • Any lines with control informations

  • The material number in the first column

  • Optional filters on control groups

  • Optional values ​​used to select control groups

  • The values ​​will be separated by any separator

Start Screen




File origin

The control file can be created either locally (PC) or on the SAP server. In the background (batch), the file must be stored on the server.

File name

The path and file name of the control file..

Field seperation

The separator or a string that separates the individual fields of a row. With <TAB>, the tabulator is used as separator.

Text ID left / right

If a character or string is used as the field separator, which can also occur in the further control data, the corresponding text must be enclosed with text recognition characters. The application of these in the data without field separators is also optional when specifying text recognition characters.

Process reference material from basic settings

By default the settings about "Reference material" from the basic settings are ignored in API mode. By activating this option this can be activated for a specific mass operation.

Test mode, no execution

The data is only analysed and the result is listed.

Execution only if no errors on single lines

If this option is marked, all checks on the input must be OK, else nothing will be executed. On the other hand without this marking any material record witch is OK will be processed. Erroneous records will always be marked in the result display.

Show progress information

If activated the progress of the executed steps of the operation are listed in more detail in the logs. This especially useful in batch jobs with a large amount of actions to see the progress in the batch's job log.

Create log file

If activated, a log file is created. The SAP default directory and a default file name are used. The path and file name are displayed in the result display.

Summary error and warning messages

If activated, a summary of any error and warning messages, including the frequency of their occurrence, is output at the end of the log.


The schematic representation of the file format and the description of the individual elements in the table below.

Field / Value



If at the beginning of a line a apostrophe is set, this line is interpreted as a comment and the line is ignored.

For ProMaterialData 6.0 only 1 allowed

The first entry in the file, which is not a comment, can optionally contain the version of the format. Currently, this value is 1.


This entry is optional, but it is recommended to specify the current format version, so ProMaterialData can also interpret old versions correctly if the file format is subsequently modified.

All handlers for value handling, which can be used for filters

The handler to be used for the field definition defined in the following row. Optional, if only values ​​are used via the handler MVIEW: MMS and control group filters.
For the control group filters, the handler is not interpreted (see below), if no handler is specified after a separator, the last set is used.


The first data specification in the file must always be the material number, and the first field definition must always be MARA / MATNR.

Control groups acc. customizing view "Execution via API classes"

The special field name CTRLGRP can occur at any point and can be repeated as often as required. The control groups entered in the values ​​are used as filters to the control groups determined with the data. If specified, only this control groups are taken into account.
This special field name CTRLGRP ignores the handler, if any.

Fields which are used according to the value handler

For each data column that overwrites a value of a value handler, the access specification must be specified according to the value handler. For details, see the Customizing manual, chapter "Handler for Filter and Value Handler"Handling.

<Material number>
Valid number of an existing material master record

The first data record of a set to be executed must always be the material number which defines the material master on which the control groups are to be determined and executed.


In general, all values to determine the control groups are used from the specified material master. By specifying a value for a field, the current value of the material master is ignored and the value transferred here is used instead.
In particular, the selection of the control groups can be controlled via a value for COMPL: MMS / API-SELECTION-GRP, which only receives a value via this definition. See tips below.
Values for the special field name CTRLGRP are used as filters.
