First the initial material is selected, then the current views are determined and the dialogue to set the views to be cloned is started.
In this dialogue the user defines which material views are copied to which organizational units. The previous selection is pre-set.
For option "Reference Material" only views can be copied, which are existing for the initial material.
Option "Free Selection" allows to select any organizational unit as source. If the search help is used, existing views of the initial material are marked:
Before source and target ID of the organizational units can be selected, it must be marked, that the view shall be copied. Put a check in the selection field under "copy" first.
Then on the left side the reference view can be selected (copy from view). On the right side, the target organization unit for the cloning can be selected.
With key the values are checked and the current status will be displayed, e.g. is the target view existing?). This status is valid for the initial material, the status of the components in the BOM will be checked and displayed afterwards.
With function ( start mass operation) the user leaves the dialogue, structures and data are read and displayed in the main dialogue.