With this options, the user can configure his personal settings. Some options may be limited by the customizing and therefore not available.
Confirmation prompt on exit
If activated, a confirmation prompt will be required on exit.
Set validity daily to actual date
If activated, then daily of the first start of any ProFramework application the validity option is set to "Key date" with date = today's date.
Display Mode
Hide initial fields
If activated, all initial fields without values will be completely hidden.
Empty characteristics are only influenced by special setting Classification
Document versions to display
Defines which document versions will be displayed. This is relevant for linked documents and widget Folder and Document Parts. Possible options:
Show all document versions
Show highest document version: only highest version of document info record.
Show highest released document version: if the highest version is not released, the highest released version is shown.
Format key figure
Different format options can be used to emphasize key fields. Format options can only be used in some widgets.
Compact display
Reduction of line space in a list displayed in a widget.
Document key starting with number
If activated, the document key starts with a number. Otherwise the document key starts with document type, number, part document, document version etc.
Display Options for Widget Configuration
Display of objects in the widget Configuration
Definition of sequence of criteria in tree display: organizational unit, validity, data package (DP/objects). Only relevant with defined object validities.
Validities can be sorted ascending or descending.
View org. units w/o documents
Enables ProConfiguration to view registered organizational units, even without data packages.
View valid-from date for org.un. w/o EMC
Valid for all organizational units except plant views with plant revisions. If activated, the valid-from date will be evaluated and displayed.
Hide non-valuated characteristics
If active, characteristics without valuation will be completely hidden.
Display characteristic values
Characteristic values can be shown in external or internal format (technical format), if available.
Class display
Definition how the classes will displayed. Exploded display for default classes or all classes or collapsed display of all classes.
SAP standard also provides user settings for the classifications, which are also relevant in the ProFramework applications.
Enable single click
If activated, a single click is sufficient to trigger an action. This function is indicated by underlining the object when hovering the cursor over the respective object. However drag & drop actions will then be restricted to sections which are not single-click sensitive (e.g. object icons).