In terms of licensing not a certain license is acquired, but a solution that may include several licenses, but at least one main license.
Every solution has a main (counted) license and optional additional (technical) licenses, which are only required if the components are part of the core libraries (UTI, OBJ).
The following table gives an overview of the solutions and the included technical licenses.
The technical BO-licenses are not listed below, as they are only used in the background and do not provide a user interface or direct functionalities.
To run a ProFramework application, a counting license must be assigned to the application. See ProFramework customizing manual.
To use solutions like ProProcess (BPF) or ProConfiguration (CFM) in a licence free read only mode, the corresponding ProFramework application needs another "Application Licence", like ProPLMClient. If BPF or CFM licence ID is assigned to a application, the start of the application assigns the licence to the user.