Configuration Types / Configuration Relations
Definition of ProConfiguration configuration types, the assignment of objects to them and relations between configuration types.
Configuration Types
Each material handled by ProConfiguration will be assigned to a certain configuration type, which will control ProConfiguration in relation to this material.
Material Type Assignment
Defines which configuration type can be used for which material type.
Assignment Org. / Status Net
This area covers following settings:
Definition of the organizational unit to be handled by configuration type.
Assignment of status net of organizational unit.
Definition of display order of organizational units in configuration display.
Settings are only required, if objects of organizational unit shall be handled and displayed.
Assignment Processing Scenario
Assignment of processing scenarios to a configuration type. Optionally a filter can be set, which will be used when the processing scenario is used.
Assignment Data Packages
Assignment of a data package to a configuration type.
Relations between Configurations
n case a material master record is created with a template or if a material master record changes its configuration type, it is possible to influence the behavior of ProConfiguration with a definition of a relation between configuration types.
Relation between Object Types
Defines the relation of objects when changing the configuration type. This is necessary, when document properties and eventually the original must be copied to a destination document with different object types.
Classes / Characteristic Values to Copy
MM standard will assign no classes nor copy characteristic values if the classification screen is not processed when creating a new material with a template (MM01).
This setting defines which class assignments and characteristic values will always be copied, even if the user is not processing the classification screen.
This setting will only be used of relations, which will create a new material master record.
If one of the defined classes has already been assigned, because the user has processed the classification screen, no further actions for this class will be performed.
To restrict class type, class and characteristic value, the mask character * can be used.
Additional Parameter
Definition of additional relation parameter. Currently supported parameters and functions:
Parameter | Value / Function |
BSZID[Suffix] | Allows filtering relation sets for configuration changes according to triggering processing scenarios. Multiple parameter settings are possible, by using any suffix to the key value. Additionally several processing scenarios can be registered using symbol ";". Example: Parameter BSZID → KW-1 Parameter BSZID_2 → KW-2;KW-3 These two parameter settings will only allow the usage of the application when the triggering processing scenario is KW-1, KW-2 or KW-3.| |
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