ProProcess V5.0

ProProcess V5.0

Required migrationens

When importing BPF V5 or higher the following migrations are required.

If you upgrade from a release before BPF V4.0, please pay attention to the required migrations in BPF V4.0.

A workbench and a customizing transport is required for execution the migration.

Update of standard tasks

Existing standard tasks must be created / updated with the program /PCH/BPF_SETUP_STANDARD_TASKS (option Generate/update tasks, Save Task in Customizing) and transported into the corresponding target systems.

The update must be executed in a client in which repositoy objects can be changed. Typically the development client in which the ProProcess Workflows are generated.

Breaking Changes

  • Adjustments in the internal structure of ProProcess have been applied. Customer specific implementations using this functionality must me adjusted accordingly. This applies to using the class /PCH/CL_BPF_RD_RPROCESS_LISTNG.

Release Notes

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