

Function / Description


Function / Description



In this area the records to display are selected. After starting the MMS Execution monitor all records with an execution error and records not yet executed are displayed.
If the selection is changed press Read data to display the matching records.


Control of deletion

In this area the control data for deleting the execution records are displayed and can be maintained.


Batch job control

Shows the status of the MMS batch job and provide functions to start and stop the job.


Display / functions on single records

In this area the selected execution records are displayed. The standard ALV functions are available. By clicking on the links or via the context menu functions for the execution records are executed.


In the area D.2 the status of each execution record is displayed:


This record is registered but not yet executed. Such records should be executed within short time, else check if the MMS batch job is running.


This record was executed successfully.


The execution was terminated with an error. If more than one message line is available, all messages can be displayed by clicking on the respective icon in area D.3.


Such records are marked to be ignored by an administrator here within the MMS Execution Monitor.

This status means "After error skipped by a material change". If a MMS execution error according the settings in the control group doesn't lock the material master record and the material is changed outside the MMS Execution Monitor, then this status will be set. An execution record with this status can't be executed anymore. This because the data basis on which the action where setup has changed.
If material data should be corrected and the MMS action re-executed, this must be made here in the monitor.

Material master records with a status "Actions not yet executed" or "Error" can't be edited by any user (or other process). A corresponding message with detailed information will be displayed by MMS. Error records must be corrected and successfully be executed or the action must be marked to be ignored (see functions below).


In the area D.4 the user and time when the record is inserted is displayed (this is the user which has triggered the MMS action) and who changed the record. This is on successful execution the triggering user (online), the batch user or else the administrator.

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