Set up object lists

Set up object lists


The object list of a mass maintenance task can be created in two ways, depending on the setting in the maintenance type used, see Mass maintenance tasks.

  1. From the objects of a structure, for example, a material or document structure

  2. The object list can be freely compiled
    This section "Set up object list" is only relevant for the second case, i.e. for nursing types with the setting Object jump from "free object list".

Object lists can only be maintained if the status of the mass maintenance task is set to "in creation", see Mass maintenance tasks → Status.

See Undo/Restore last command for the corresponding functions.

Maintenance of the object list is started via the function "Mass maintenance task data maintenance" in the work area and is basically based on two functions:

  • Insert objects

  • Remove objects

An "Object" always contains the main object and its subobjects / views. Which data is determined as a block depends on the settings in the maintenance type assigned to the mass maintenance task. This maintenance type also determines which filters are used to determine the sub-objects / views.
Example of such a block for the main object "Material", i.e. the material master at client level, for which different sub-objects / views were determined:

The basic functions "insert" and "remove" can be performed on single or multiple blocks.
The commands for the functions described below are basically available as title line commands. "Remove" also via the context menu.


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