ProFramework V3.13.0
ProFramework V3.13.0
ProFramework Release Notes Version V3.13.0 / Release Date 20. Nov. 2024
New and improved functions
Key | Summary | Description |
AFW-324 | CVE Form Designer: Search Icon for widget "Available CVE Elements" | In the CVE form editor a new search functionality in the Widget “Available CVE elements” is provided. |
AFW-476 | Button Validate removed from UI | The Button “Validate” has been removed from the UI because it missleads to the assumtion that a complete validation is performed. Instead a Turnaround is triggered which will only validate parts of the screen. The functionality is still available via pressing the Enter button. |
Fixed bugs
Key | Summary | Description |
AFW-455 | Possible error when using "load more data" in trees | When using the function “load more date” in trees, an error can occur since AFW V3.9.0. Dies has been corrected. |
AFW-459 | Message after check-in when deleting files from shared folders | During a check-in with deletion from a shared folder, Windows may display a pop-up to cancel the deletion of the file because the recycle bin is not supported. This has been fixed. Delete from shared folder now doesn't try to move the file to the recycle bin, but deletes it directly. |
AFW-462 | Smaller performance adjustments | Some smaller performance adjustments have been done |
AFW-463 | unnecessary column header in list tree widgets | In List Tree Widgets an unnecessary column header is displayed. This has been corrected. |
AFW-465 | Text in Uppercase Does not Exactly Match the Corresponding UI Elements (Input Fields) | With SAP GUI 800, the font size is adapted to the scaling. We therefore no longer reduce the font size after calculating the static properties. In addition, we have increased the width of some UI elements for some ProNovia custom views (ProFramework Forms). |
AFW-485 | ColumnTree: Value Help in Filter dialogs without values for hidden fields | If a field which is not shown in the View shall be filtered, the value help sometimes is empty. This has been corrected. |
AFW-495 | Form: Custom Data of Input Elements from Row Template not Transported | If an input field in a row template has custom data, this custom data is not transported to the corresponding new form element. This has been corrected. |
AFW-496 | Value help button sometimes not visible | The button for opening the value help is not visible, if the remaining space is to small. E.g. in a full size table. This has been mitigated. |
AFW-507 | Preview image not displayed after tab switch or widget move | If the tab in which the preview widget is located is changed and then changed back to the preview widget again, the preview image may not be displayed. The same problem occurs if the preview image is moved to a different position via the layout manager. This problem has been fixed. |
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