Filter Definition
Filter for Selection Rules and Activation of Dependencies are using filters. In the following the shared fields are described, as well as important tips how create such a filter.
Field | Description |
Filter No. | A continuous number per filter. |
Handler ID | Value Handlers ID to be used. See also 4, Handler for Filter and Value Handling. |
Filter field 1 - 3 | Filter fields are the key fields for the data from where the test value will be read. The value handler used defines which filter fields can be used. ProMaterialData standard value handler provides an input help (F4) for the filter fields. |
Previous test value | Only for activation of the dependencies. |
Operator | Defines the value, which will be determined acc. to the filter fields and compared with the test value: = equal, mask * allowed <> (not equal, mask * allowed) < (less than) > (greater than) <= (less or equal) >= (greater or equal) |
Check value | Value to be checked, e.g. value to be set in the data field. |
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