Clone Control Groups
These setting defines which object views and data are copied in a clone operation. The escape character * can be used.
The settings are registered in clone control groups and assigned to mass operations.
Parameter | Parameter Description |
Description | Name of the clone control group. |
BOM status | When copying a BOM (document or material), the status is normally defined by the template. This inputs overrides this setting. |
BOM ChngNoCheck | When replacing a component with structure with a component without structure the use must define whether the BOM of the reference shall be clone to the replacement object. |
Lock BOM | Option whether cloned BOM (material or document) cannot be edited or at least with a warning, if the clone job is still active. An active clone job means, the clone log has not be deleted or the clone job is blocked for further clone operations (see also MSC | ProMassOperations | User Manual ). |
Clone empty BOM | If activated, the component with an empty BOM will also have an empty BOM in its clone. |
Max. doc.vers. | If activated, the highest document version will be used when cloning a document BOM. Two options are possible:
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