For enhancements of application core components the enhancement spot /PCH/CFW_APPLICATION can be used. It provides several BAdIs to enhance different core components:
- /PCH/CFW_CTRL_FRAMEWORK - Enhancement of global life cycle events
- /PCH/CFW_CTRL_COMMAND - Enhancement of the command controller
- /PCH/CFW_CTRL_DRAGDROP - Enhancement of the drag & drop behaviour
- /PCH/CFW_CTRL_FUNCTION - Enhancement of global functions
- /PCH/CFW_CTRL_LAYOUT - Enhancement of layouts
- /PCH/CFW_CTRL_VIEW - Enhancement of view life cycle events
Handling Global Life Cycle Events
Handling global life cycle events - /PCH/CFW_CTRL_FRAMEWORK
Method | Description |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_FRAMEWORK~INIT | Called once at initialization. Use to setup own data. You must not access core components, as they are not ready yet. Use AFTER_INIT instead. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_FRAMEWORK~AFTER_INIT | Called once immediately after initialization. All core components are accessible. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_FRAMEWORK~BEFORE_TERMINATE | Called before framework is terminated. Can be implemented to perform checks and interrupt the termination process. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_FRAMEWORK~BEFORE_FREE | Called before framework components are released. Core components are still accessible. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_FRAMEWORK~FREE | Called when components are released. Use to release your memory resources. |
Command Controller
Enhancement of command controller - /PCH/CFW_CTRL_COMMAND
The command controller handles almost all commands within an application. A command is defined as an action which is split in several steps to increase transparency and also to handle pop ups and client PC interactions in different UI technology environments.
Method | Description |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_COMMAND~AFTER_READ_COMMAND | Called after a command is read but before it is started. Can be used to adjust steps, parameters and also to prevent it from starting. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_COMMAND~BEFORE_DO_COMMAND | Called before the command is started. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_COMMAND~BEFORE_DO_COMMAND_STEP | Called just before a single command step is executed. Can be used to handle actions by yourself and suppress the standard handling. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_COMMAND~AFTER_DO_COMMAND_STEP | Called after a single command step was processed (or interrupted). |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_COMMAND~AFTER_DO_COMMAND | Called when command execution is finished (or interrupted). |
Drag & Drop
Enhancement of drag & drop - /PCH/CFW_CTRL_DRAGDROP
Method | Description |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_DRAGDROP~HANDLE | Can be used to handle drag & drop actions by yourselves or to adjust the available flavour (move, copy). |
Global Functions
Enhancement of global functions - /PCH/CFW_CTRL_FUNCTION
Functions should - whenever possible - be provided on a global level to make them accessible by any widget in an application. Functions processed by the function controller have to provide their data at runtime (visibility, texts,...) and have to handle the action (normally starting a command).
Method | Description |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_FUNCTION~PROVIDE | Provide a function at runtime. While texts and icon normally are static, at runtime it should be evaluated if a functions is not visible or disabled in the current context. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_FUNCTION~HANDLE | Handle a function at runtime. Can be used to handle an action by yourselves and suppress the standard handling. |
Enhancement of layout - /PCH/CFW_CTRL_LAYOUT
Method | Description |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_LAYOUT~BEFORE_LOAD | Can be used to adjust the widgets of a layout before it is applied. |
Handling global view of life cycle events
Handling global view of life cycle events - /PCH/CFW_CTRL_VIEW
Method | Description |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_VIEW~BEFORE_OUTPUT | At the beginning of PBO. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_VIEW~AFTER_OUTPUT | After screen updates have been transported to the front end. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_VIEW~PROCESS_EVENT | Handling global events (PAI). Possible to handle toolbar action by yourselves and suppress default action. |
/PCH/IF_CFW_CTRL_VIEW~PROCESS_EXIT | Handle exit code. Possibility to prevent termination. |