The picture above ALL shows possible fields. Depending on the mass operation only the relevant fields will be shown.
This customizing step defines the basic settings for the mass operations.
Parameter | Parameter description |
Mass Operation | Identification for current mass operation definition. |
Description | Description of operation. |
Type | See ProMassOperations user manual for all possible types and the function descriptions. In general type „Material search → Start document changes" should not be used, if material master records and documents are managed by ProConfiguration . Especially for configurations with data packages, including BOM, this process will generate an invalid configuration! Client specific actions can only be performed with corresponding customer exits. At least the exit for the execution of this action (execution client specific action) must be generated and listed. See also ProMassOperations, User Manual and ProMassOperations, Enhancement and Integration. |
Transaction code | Transaction code defined for this mass operation. Else the operation can only be started by calling a function module. MSC provides the following transactions:
If a transactions is assigned to several mass operations, the required mass operation can be selected. Individual transactions must be created via SAP ABAP Workbench. One of the MSC default transactions can be used as template. |
ECM Entry Type | For check and release processes as well as client specific actions. Defines whether an object change number must be entered.
Rev. / EMC No. | For change and clone processes as well as client specific actions. Option "ECM number according max. material revision" may only be used in view extensions. The BOM will be created with the change number of the highest material revision (max. revision according revision). If the change number is locked, the lock will be removed temporarily. For client specific actions the MSC will not handle objects with this ECM. All actions must run by the respective customer exit. |
Dependencies | Only for clone operations. Dependencies in BOM are not supported in general. This option only allows defining the behaviour of the MSC if a BOM with dependencies shall be copied (error, warning, ignore). |
Doc. Display | Definition which of the documents assigned to a material masters shall be displayed. If ProConfiguration is installed, the ProConfiguration takes over the selection of the relevant documents. Several options are possible:
Filter | If ProConfiguration is installed, the display filter for the documents can be set (ProConfiguration Version 3.0 and higher). For details please refer to ProConfiguration Customizing Manual. |
Clone Control | Only for clone operations. Defines the handling of the views, routings and filed values in the clone operation. See also Clone Control Groups. |
Clone Group | In general clone jobs can only be continued with the initial definition. If definitions are assigned to the same clone group, the clone jobs can be continued in any definition within this group. The name of the clone group is freely selectable. Please consider, all definitions of clone group must be compatible. |
BOM Item | Definition how the BOM items shall be handled when creating a BOM copy:
BOM explosion by application | In general the BOM usage determines the material BOM explosion. The entire BOM will be exploded for a usage. This way a transfer of a the BOM to be cloned into another usage will be possible. If this option is selected, the BOM usage determines the BOM explosion. The usage will be exploded according defined priorities, the nodes of the BOM can then be assigned to different usages. This explosion allows no transfer of the usage, the target BOM will be created according to the given usage. See also BOM Usage/Status . |
Action on plant specific material status | For operations which set the material status (not clone operations). |
Allow all ProConfiguration status | For systems with installed ProConfiguration , all status can be set, even when they have attribute "by object" in the ProConfiguration status definition or "not manually" in their object dependencies. This is valid for material or document objects and for all operations, which create objects or set status. (ProConfiguration version 3.2.1 or higher). |
New Item / New Numbering | For clone operations. The setting controls:
Mark first element to be cloned | For clone operations. If selected, the first element in the structure will automatically marked to be cloned (if possible). |
Copy only one routing, selection if nec. | For clone operations. If activated only one routing will be copied, even the reference material has several. In case of several routings and the selection is not automatically reduced by a customer exit, the user must select the relevant routing (see also document MSC, Integration and Enhancement). |
Pre-select possible objects for operation | Not for clone operations. If activated, all possible objects will be directly selected for the operation. |
Do not ask to save the selection | If activated, the document and material selection cannot be saved when executing or aborting the mass operation. This is recommended for follow-up operations on a first selection operation. |
Save objects as selection | For change, check and release processes on BOM. If activated, the BOM objects can be saved as selection. The selection can then be used in a mass operation with a document or material search. |
Execution only as package | For document or material search. If activated, the action must be possible for all selected objects. . option should be used mainly in combination with function module /PRONOVIA/MSC_MASS_OPER_START, e.g. for operations without user dialogue. |
Icons acc. ICON table | Icons which indicate the status of the objects to be treated can be defined. Only valid for check, change and release processes. See also MSC, User Manual. Default values will be used as defined in the settings for LED icons in the MSC Basic Settings. |