Check- And Release Processes
Check and release processes of ProMassOperations are mass status operations on complete structures (or a selection). Status changes are performed bottom-up. As a consequence, the head of a structure (initial object) can only be released, when all subordinate objects have also been released. See also Check, Release and Change Process. |
Change Processes
A change process in ProMassOperations starts a change simultaneously over several structure steps. Change processes on structures are always performed top-down. |
Clone Processes
In a clone process by ProMassOperations the (part-)structure will be copied, including all objects. Each object can either be cloned, transferred or ignored. The actual clone process always runs bottom-up. |
Cloning of Material Views
A clone process of ProMassOperations on material views starts with cloning the views of organizational units. If plant views are cloned, (part-)structures from one plant to the other will be copied. Each object in the structure can be expanded. The actual clone process is always running top-up. |
Client Specific Actions
ProMassOperations allows implementing client specific actions. Client specific program parts will execute data check, query of additional parameters, and other relevant actions. No details about client specific actions will be explained in this manual. For details please refer to your company's module specialist.