The data is evaluated according to setting "BOM explosion by application" (See also Definition Mass Operations).
"BOM explosion by application" Not Set
Definition which applications can be cloned to which alternative applications.
If at least one entry has been set for the reference plant, only settings according this setting is possible. Also valid for initial screen, then only BOM usages are allowed which are defined under "FROM"
Without entry to a reference plant, all usages are possible as reference, the target will then always be the same usage.
"BOM explosion by application" Is Set
If the BOM is exploded by the usage, the usage will not be supported when creating the BOM. Within the structure the BOM will be created according to the usage.
This setting is then only used to the BOM status. Only sets with identical From/To-value or empty FROM value will be regarded.
Both Options
In field BOM status, the status of the new BOM can be defined and the general setting according Clone Control Groups will be overwritten for this plant and this usage