Attribute | CAD integration | Description |
ATTFRMT | DSC NX | The format in which the DSC NX document attributes should be written:
DOCVS_KEEP_ATTRIB | All | Allows individual attributes of CAD types to be set in accordance with the previous version when documents are versioned and not formatted again. Several attributes are to be entered separately with ";". |
DUGDSCFLDR | DSC NX | In the DSC object manager, the user is shown his worklist from his personal folder. This folder consists of one class and the content is the material masters assigned to this class. If the class does not belong to class type 001, enter the class type you want to use with / separately before the class: |
MSCUGNEW | DSC NX | This attribute activates the clone functionality new with V1.2.0, which can display NX structures completely in ProMassOperations and supports the call of RenameRepair. |
DUGMSCCLON | DSC NX | ProNovia internal use only. If the new cloning functionality is used with ProMassOperations (see attribute MSCUGNEW), the following program must be entered here: /PRONOVIA/DUG_MSC_CLONE_NEW |
STUSEECM | All | In general, structures (BOMs) are created between CAD documents without reference to engineering change management. If you maintain this attribute for a CAD integration with value "X", the CAD structures are also created and maintained with reference to Engineering Change Management. |
RRCONVLOC | DSC NX | Converter Location for RenameRepair. |
RRSTATPLND | DSC NX | Document status that is set by the plug-in before RenameRepair is called. |
RRSTATWORK | DSC NX | Working status of RenameRepair. |
RRSTATERR | DSC NX | Document status in case of RenameRepair error. |
RRSTATOK | DSC NX | Document status when RenameRepair has been carried out successfully. If this attribute is not filled, each document is reset to its original status before RenameRepair is called. |
RRVERSION | DSC NX | Current version of the RenameRepair server (for example, 2.1). The version is required to check whether certain functions are already supported by the RR server (for example, WAVECOPY from RR V2.1). |