After first time installing the ProBasicLib as described in Installation of ProNovia Basic Library, any other ProNovia products (including ProBasicLib) can be installed using the ProNovia upload functionality.
To start an import:
Create a new empty folder (or delete all files from an existing one).
Download the zip files of all required product kits and move them in the empty directory.
Start ProNovia’s central product management (/PRONOVIA/CUST, in the SAP command field /N/PRONOVIA/CUST) and execute the “Extra” menu function “Import product components”.
The functions asks for the folder where the downloaded kit files are stored and then displays a popup, where the kits to be imported can be selected. After starting, a product version check takes place to ensure that no product without the appropriate requirements will be imported and no newer product version is overwritten.
If the import is confirmed, the transport files will be extracted from the zip files and attached to the SAP transport queue.
The import queue is displayed after the successful finish of the function.