In terms of licensing not a certain license is acquired, but a solution that may include several licenses, but at least one main license.
Every solution has a main (counted) license and optional additional (technical) licenses, which are only required if the components are part of the core libraries (UTI, OBJ).
The following table gives an overview of the solutions and the included technical licenses.
The technical BO-licenses are not listed below, as they are only used in the background and do not provide a user interface or direct functionalities.
License ID | Internal ID | Description |
DOCCTRL | 001 | Document Control |
BO DRAW | 002 | DRAW BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO DOCFOLD | 003 | DOCFOLDER BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO MARA | 004 | MARA BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO IFLOT | 005 | IFLOT BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO EQUI | 006 | EQUI BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO PROJ | 007 | PROJ BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO PLKO | 008 | PLKO BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO CRHD | 009 | CRHD BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO AENR | 010 | AENR BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO MARC | 011 | MARC BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO MVKE | 012 | MVKE BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO MKAL | 013 | MKAL BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO MARD | 014 | MARD BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO MLGN | 015 | MLGN BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO MLGT | 016 | MLGT BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
BO MBEW | 017 | MBEW BusinessObject (nur AFW <3.0) |
WI OBREL | 018 | Widget Object Relations |
WI MATORG | 019 | Widget Material Organizational Units |
WI DOCDATA | 020 | Form Documentdata (nur AFW <3.0) |
WI MATDATA | 021 | Form Materialdata (nur AFW <3.0) |
WI PRM | 022 | PRM (CFM) Widgets (nur AFW <3.0) |
WI ORIGCNT | 024 | Widget Document Original Content |
WI DOCINFO | 025 | Widgets Document Originals / PartDocs / Versions |
WI EASYACC | 026 | Widget Easy Access |
WI ECMINFO | 027 | Widgets ECM AltDates / Objects |
WI FILEEXP | 028 | Widgets File Explorer / Explorer Content |
WI OBJDESC | 029 | Widget Object Descriptions |
WI OBJSTA | 030 | Widget Object Status |
WI SIMPDAT | 031 | Widget Simple Data |
OH AENR | 032 | Object Handler AENR |
OH CRHD | 033 | Object Handler CRHD |
OH DOCFOLD | 034 | Object Handler DOCFOLDER |
OH DRAW | 035 | Object Handler DRAW |
OH DRAWORI | 036 | Object Handler DRAW Original |
OH EQUI | 037 | Object Handler EQUI |
OH IFLOT | 038 | Object Handler IFLOT |
OH MARA | 039 | Object Handler MARA |
OH MARC | 040 | Object Handler MARC (Obsolete, new MARA) |
OH MARD | 041 | Object Handler MARD (Obsolete, new MARA) |
OH MVKE | 042 | Object Handler MVKE (Obsolete, new MARA) |
OH PROJ | 043 | Object Handler Project |
OH SAPSYS | 044 | Object Handler SAP System |
OH WSFOLD | 045 | Object Handler WS Folder |
WI TEMPL | 046 | Widget SDF Templates |
MATCTRL | 047 | Material Control |
OH PLKO | 048 | Object Handler Routings |
ECMCTRL | 049 | ChangeMaster Control |
BO DUMMY | 050 | Dummy |
BPF-CORE | 990 | ProProcess Core |
ADM | ADM | ProAdmin |
AFW | AFW | ProFramework DevLicense |
BPF-COMPL | BPF | ProProcess Complete |
C5C | C5C | ProIntegrationLib CatiaConv |
CFM | CFM | ProConfiguration |
CHD | CHD | ProChangeDoc |
CMC | CMC | ProChangeData |
DMC-CLONE | DM1 | ProDocument Clone |
DMC | DMC | ProDocument |
DMC-AFW | DMX | Old DMC-AFW Licence *** OBSOLETE FROM UTI 9.4 *** |
DUG | DUG | DUG (old) |
RQF | ECR | ProRequest |
ESB | ESB | ProEasyBrowse |
DMC-NAV | FAA | DMC App Document Navigator |
BPF-PRCLST | FBA | BPF App Process List |
BPF-PRCOVR | FBB | BPF App Process Overview |
BPF-PRCANL | FBC | BPF App Process Analysis |
RQF-REQOVR | FCA | RQF App Requester Overview |
RQF-MANAGE | FCB | RQF App Manage Request |
SCD-OVR | FDA | SCD App Supply Chain Data Overview |
CFM-GCP | GCP | ProIntegrationLib Plugin |
CFM-GCXU | GCX | ProIntegrationLib CAD Interface UserBased |
CFM-GCXS | GCY | ProIntegrationLib CAD Interface ServerBased |
MMC | MMC | ProMaterial |
MMS | MMS | ProMaterialData |
MSM-MAT | MS1 | ProMassMaintain Maintain Material |
MSM-DOC | MS2 | ProMassMaintain Maintain Document |
MSC | MSC | ProMassOperations |
MSM | MSM | ProMassMaintain |
MSO | MSO | ProOffice |
OLM-FIORI | OL1 | OLM Apps |
OLM | OLM | ProObjectLifecycle |
CFM-CDB | PBL | ProBaseline |
PCM | PCM | ProChange |
PLC | PLC | ProPLMClient |
PLG | PLG | PLG (old) |
CFM-LOGEXT | PRL | ProConfiguration LogisticExtension |
CFM | PRM | ProConfiguration |
MSC-CLONE | SCC | ProMassOperations Clone |
SDF | SDF | ProObjectLib SDF |
SMC-MSMSR | SM1 | SMC MAST-MAST Comparing Only |
SMC-MSMSU | SM2 | SMC MAST-MAST Update Target |
SMC | SMC | ProStructure |
SMC-MSPSR | SX0 | SMC MAST-PRST Comparing Only |
SMC-MSPSU | SX1 | SMC MAST-PRST Update target |
SMC-PSPSR | SX2 | SMC PRST-PRST Comparing Only |
SMC-PSPSU | SX3 | SMC PRST-PRST Update Target |
SMC-PSMSR | SX4 | SMC PRST-MAST Comparing Only |
SMC-PSMSU | SX5 | SMC PRST-MAST Update Target |
SMC-IPMSR | SX6 | SMC iPPE-MAST Comparing Only |
SMC-IPMSU | SX7 | SMC iPPE-MAST Update Target |
UGC | UGC | ProIntegrationLib UGConv |
Solution | Additional License(s) / Notes |
ADM ProAdmin |
AFW-DEV ProFramework Development | |
BPF-CORE ProProcess | ProProcess functions with object list.
BPF-OBJLIS ProProcess | ProProcess functions with object list.
BPF-PA ProProcess Analyse |
C5C (Sub-solution of GCP) ProIntegrationLib CatiaConv | |
CFM ProConfiguration |
CFM-CDB ProBaseline | |
CFM-GCP (Sub-solution of CFM) ProIntegrationLib | |
CFM-LOG (Sub-solution of CFM) ProConfiguration Logistic Extension | |
CHD ProChangeDoc | |
CMC ProChangeData |
DMC ProDocument |
DMC-CLONE (Sub-solution of DMC) ProDocument - Clone | |
ESB ProEasyBrowse | |
SCD ProSCMDashboard |
MMC ProMaterial |
MMS ProMaterialData | License-Options:
MSC ProMassOperations | |
MSC-CLONE ProMassOperationsClone | |
MSM-DOC ProMassMaint document info record maintenance | Internal MSM License |
MSM-MAT ProMassMaint material master maintenance | Internal MSM License |
MSO ProOffice | |
OLM ProObjectLifecycleManager | |
OLM-BPF ProObjectLifecycleManager & ProProcess |
Only available for ProObjectLifecycleManager customers for a defined period while migrating to ProProcess. Afterwards the solution is changed to BPF-CORE. |
OLM-FIORI ProObjectLifecycleManager Fiori App | |
PCM ProChange | |
PLC ProPLMClient |
RQF ProRequestForm |
SMC-*R | Licence to open / create a read only ProStructure relation (comparison). See SMC licences below. |
SMC-*U | Licence to open / create a updating / synchronizing ProStructure relation. See SMC licences below. |
UGC (Sub-solution of GCP) ProIntegrationLib UGConv |