When changes are transferred to a new change, the objects still in process (material master and document info record, including any bills of material) are assigned to the new change number and the corresponding validities are adjusted. The system checks whether this step is to be carried out as follows:
A processing scenario on the cross-plant status or a specific status for the same organizational unit, is started.
Objects for the corresponding data packages must be in creation or in change according to the status settings.
This change on the objects must have been made to the corresponding change number, or a change number of a previous change.
The current change (editing scenario) has not yet reached the target status.
The transfer of changes is marked in the object selection on the corresponding objects:
Only objects which are entered in the object list of the ProConfiguration are taken over. Objects which are hidden by a filter or by the setting always hidden (objects in the data package) are ignored.
Possible status changes, the objects in change into the new change (e.g. from trivial change to normal change), must be realized by the object dependencies. Such transitions are normally to be locked for the user.