SMC AFW-Widgets

SMC AFW-Widgets

Below is the necessary information for the SMC specific widgets that allow parameterization.


The widget "Structure Relation Selection" (ID /PCH/SMC_STRREL_SELECT) allows to search and display the structure relations found.


  • Search controlled by widget parameters (see below)

  • Search via search parameters entered by the user

  • Lock of the search by the user (i.e. only via the widget parameters)

  • The widget can also appear several times in the interface with different search parameters under its own application ID.

Even if the user can enter the search parameters, widget parameters should always be stored with the search parameters to be used initially.

The possible parameters and values can be called using the search help in the ProStructure application in the customizing for the widget.

"Object Relations"

This is a ProFramework standard widget, which displays various relations. The ProStructure iPPE Product Structure Integration enhances this widget to display the SAP iPPE product structure. This is supported in the following cases:

  • If a ProStructure IPRS>MAST structure relationship is displayed.

  • If a material or a material of a plant view is used in an iPPE product structure.

You can control the display of the iPPE product structure using widget parameters:

  • If no parameters are set for the widget, that is, all possible relationships should be displayed, then an existing iPPE product structure is also displayed.

  • Otherwise, only if the parameter SHOW_IPPE_PROD_STRUC is set to the value YES.

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