Basic Settings
Parameter | Parameter Description |
Authority object | If the default authorization object „Z_PRON_ADM" cannot be used in your system, but an individual authorization object will be set up in the client name space, then this object has to be registered here. |
Def. log entry | Suggested protocol log entry if the ProConfiguration is installed and the ProConfiguration will register the status log of the material status, and log entry for status log of document. |
Display only | Refers to the log field. If activated, the super user can not overwrite the above mentioned proposal for the status log. |
With chng.doc. | If activated a change document will be written for the following actions:
Special characters in file names: | |
Handling of special characters | Selection between ASCII or Unicode. Definition of the method of replacement of special characters |
Escape char. ASCII | Character which marks a special character in the file name, if method ASCII-code has been selected. As default the character ~ is used. |
Escape char. unicode | Character which marks a special character in the file name, if method Unicode has been selected. As preceding default character { is used. |
Escape char. unicode end | The replacement via Unicode-Codes cannot define the definitive length of the replacement string, therefore an escape character to mark the end is also needed. In this case the character } is used. |
Allowed characters | Characters 0-9, A-Z (upper case and lower case characters) will never been handled or replaced. Exception only if listed under characters allowed. |
Replace space | In general a space (blank) will not be replaced. If requested, it can be defined here. Then a space will be replaced by the escape character and the ASCII code in hexadecimal format for a space (30) or the according Unicode value. |
Origianl export w/o stamp | Default value for the "original export" mass function. Depending on the system configurations the originals are stamped during their exportation. Set this flag to supressed the stamping. |
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