Basic Settings



Parameter Description


Parameter Description

Authority object

If the default authorization object „Z_PRON_ADM" cannot be used in your system, but an individual authorization object will be set up in the client name space, then this object has to be registered here.
Fore more details please refer to the Integration & Enhancement Manual.

Def. log entry

Suggested protocol log entry if the ProConfiguration is installed and the ProConfiguration will register the status log of the material status, and log entry for status log of document.

Display only

Refers to the log field. If activated, the super user can not overwrite the above mentioned proposal for the status log.

With chng.doc.

If activated a change document will be written for the following actions:

  • material status change

  • document status change (If also activated in the customizing of the document type)

  • ECM: Set status / user / authorization group

  • Remove original (only if also activated for document type in SAP-DMS customizing)

Special characters in file names:

Handling of special characters

Selection between ASCII or Unicode. Definition of the method of replacement of special characters
A = ASCII format (classical method)
U = Unicode format (new method)

Escape char. ASCII

Character which marks a special character in the file name, if method ASCII-code has been selected. As default the character ~ is used.

Escape char. unicode

Character which marks a special character in the file name, if method Unicode has been selected. As preceding default character { is used.

Escape char. unicode end

The replacement via Unicode-Codes cannot define the definitive length of the replacement string, therefore an escape character to mark the end is also needed. In this case the character } is used.

Allowed characters

Characters 0-9, A-Z (upper case and lower case characters) will never been handled or replaced. Exception only if listed under characters allowed.
Without an entry, also the characters - and _ are allowed, thus will not be replaced.

Replace space

In general a space (blank) will not be replaced. If requested, it can be defined here. Then a space will be replaced by the escape character and the ASCII code in hexadecimal format for a space (30) or the according Unicode value.

Origianl export w/o stamp

Default value for the "original export" mass function. Depending on the system configurations the originals are stamped during their exportation. Set this flag to supressed the stamping.

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