Additional Information

Additional Information

Background- and RFC-Processing

If ProChangeDoc is running in the background (Batch) or dark (RFC interfaces), in general all functions will be performed, except the following:

  • No dialogs can be performed: After a status change in the batch mode, no popup will be made whether a ProChangeDoc document shall be created and generally no ProChangeDoc document will be created. With the appropriate Business Add-In, the creation of the ProChangeDoc document can be enabled.

  • In batch processing / dark the filling of fields in office documents using ProNovia SAP DMS FrameWork / MSO is not supported, except this is made using "Server filling" (see ProNovia SAP DMS FrameWork manuals).

  • Definition of a storage category: If more than one storage category is possible, but not selected with the corresponding BusinessAddIn or by the corresponding UTI settings, the first available storage category will be used.

  • Possible BusinessAddIns should not perform dialog queries or allow access to local files.

API Processing

If a document for which ProChangeDoc is relevant is processed using DMS API's, in general any ProChangeDoc action will be executed.
But if the call is made using the CVAPI function modules together with CHECK_LEVEL = 0, then following rules apply:

  • Only any data synchronization is executed.

  • No creation of the ProChangeDoc or any original document for the ProChangeDoc will be performed.

  • Status synchronization is always made using a API call and therefore digital signatures are not supported.

Digital Signature

Digital signatures on change documents can only be defined on a status, which will either be synchronized with the leading document or set manually. No digital signatures are possible for the initial, work or original status.
See note about API in previous topic.

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