OBJ Document Control
Language codes / Assignment system languages
If language dependent documents shall be integrated, the supported language codes (languages / language definitions) must be defined here.
A language code can correspond to one or several SAP system languages. For example: DEF = German, English and French. In order to have access to these language codes (e.g. for a search), the related system language can be written automatically to a multi-valued characteristic of the document info record by ProOBJ:
Basic settings / LangCode char. requires a valid characteristic name (multi-value).
In this setting Assignment system language the corresponding system languages must be assigned to the language code.
If both conditions are met and a document is created, the system languages assigned to the language code (= part document) will be written automatically in the related characteristic.
Document Control
In this area following settings can be maintained:
for data elements and revisions
for language dependent documents
automatic exchange of responsible user
During an object handling with the ProConfiguration, the settings for validity and revision as well as the control when versions are allowed are never active.
In general, documents should either be created and versioned completely via ProConfiguration or completely outside of ProConfiguration. Documents that are managed outside can then be linked in ProConfiguration. Mixed use should be avoided. Excepted from this is the status handling of the document versions which is generally maintained at this point, i.e. also for ProConfiguration.
Wird ein Dokumente über ProChangeDoc angelegt oder geändert, so werden diese Einstellungen generell ignoriert. Einzig eine allfällige Bestückung des Merkmals "Merkm. Sprachen" erfolgt. Dazu der ProChangeDoc Dokumentart / -Typ eine Steuergruppe mit entsprechenden Sprachcodes zugewiesen sein.
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