CAx Integration

The treatment of the objects in ProConfiguration is carried out by so-called plug-ins. The plug-ins are given control for creating, versioning, creating structures, and so on. The following tasks are performed by the available plug-ins:







Standard Document Plug-In


General execution of all relevant functions for documents:

  • Attachment

  • Link

  • Versioning

  • Data package handling
    This plug-in is always used, either directly (without CAD-relevant objects) or indirectly via the ProIntegrationLib.

Generic CAD Plug-In


Maintenance and creation of CAD-relevant data and structures according to the settings in ProIntegrationLib-Customizing. The actual document handling takes place via the standard document plug-in.
This plug-in is always used when CAD-relevant objects need to be handled.

DSC NX-Plug-In


Special actions and controls of DSC NX-relevant documents. Is called via the CAD integration of the ProIntegrationLib and is also integrated with it.


A standardized methodology for working with a 3D CAD system provides the user with the greatest possible benefit. The design methodology, combined with predefined process models, enables efficient work with a complex and cost-intensive tool. Above all, it also ensures uniform adherence to the design methodology, which is controlled by the system. This leads to a clear mutual understanding of the data structures and ensures that the 3D data can also be modified by other designers.

With this CAD plug-in, the CAD-specific data models and structures created in ProConfiguration can be maintained in so-called editing scenarios, based on the standard interfaces. This ensures consistent management of all relevant SAP objects in the CAD system integration.

The integration of the CAD systems in SAP PLM, together with the ProConfiguration product and this CAD plug-in, assumes that all CAD data models are consistently mapped via KOFIMA items (see ProConfiguration).

By building the CAD-specific data models and structures, the use of the CAD tool can be standardized and can therefore be trained and put into production much faster.

The ProIntegrationLib is available as an add-on to ProConfiguration and are to be used with the official SAP CAD interfaces (the interfaces are not distributed by ProNovia AG).

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