Process grafic

In the process graphic, the process is represented according to a simplified Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). By clicking on an object, the details can be displayed.

The symbols used are explained in .



The editor can be operated very efficiently thanks to intuitive scroll wheel operation:

  • Normal scrolling scrolls horizontally as usual

  • Scrolling with Shift-Key pressed scrolls vertically

  • Scrolling with Ctrl-Key pressed zooms in


A preview graphic helps orientation within the graphic. The red frame shows the currently displayed area in the graphic. The preview disappears automatically as soon as the entire process is visible in the graphic.-


If the mouse is inside the red frame, the displayed area can be moved. If the mouse pointer is outside the red area (but on the graphic), the preview can be moved to another position.

A double-click within the red area sets the zoom so that the entire process is displayed in the graphic. The preview is automatically hidden.

The small arrow icon in the upper left corner can be used to show or hide the graphic.

Additional Information / Popovers

Icons are used to display additional information on various objects directly in the graphic. If the information is underlined, a so-called popover is automatically opened when the mouse pointer is on the element. More detailed information is displayed in these popovers.

The following information is displayed, if available:

Number of editors

Number of notifications

Number of deadlines

Number of tasks Aufgaben

Number of persons responsible

Status change

For some information, the position also provides information about the time. For example, a notification for a subprocess can be triggered at start and/or end and is displayed on the left or right of the subprocess.


If a process is in change mode, various functions are available via the context menu to create new objects at a specific location, move objects and delete objects. Editing using drag'n'drop is not supported.

Exporting Process Graphics

The ‘Export process graphic’ function can be used to export the currently displayed process graphic as a PNG file with a transparent background. The transparent background makes the file suitable for embedding in documents.

The graphic is exported at the current zoom level of the display. It is therefore recommended to set the maximum zoom level before exporting.

The background of the exported PNG file is transparent. The display program determines the background accordingly. This may also be black (e.g. in the Windows ‘Photos app’).

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