SEAL Stamps in ProFramework Applications
For setting up SEAL stamps please refer to the SEAL Systems manuals. The following hints will clarify the activation of stamps because different customizing is necessary depending on ProNovia and SEAL product version.
The activation of stamps is done in SEAL Systems customizing.
Transaction /SEAL/ADM → DVS View Server → Basis Settings → Activate stamps.
The activation of stamps depends on different criteria, especially on the Context and on the Action. ProNovia products access document originals by using SAP API modules which will be considered as context BAPI and action VIEW by SEAL.
Starting with ProFramework version 2.0.4 the correct context SAP GUI and the correct action can be passed by a special SEAL interface. Due to a bug in the SEAL DVS View Server this only works when DVS View Server version is used. For older versions ProFramework is providing a workaround, to enable usage of the right context/action.
If ProFramework 2.0.4 and DVS View Server is installed no extra customizing is needed to activate stamps, because the existing customizing for SAP DVS can be used for ProFramework applications.The following matrix shows the needed stamp settings depending on the software versions.
DVS View Server and older | DVS View Server and newer | |
AFW 2.0.3 and older | Context: BAPI Action: VIEW | Context: BAPI Action: VIEW |
AFW 2.0.4 and newer WITHOUT workaround | Context: BAPI Action: VIEW | Context: SAPGUI Action: upon need |
AFW 2.0.4 and newer WITH Workaround | Context: SAPGUI Action: upon need | Context: SAPGUI Action: upon need |
Workaround for older SEAL versions
Starting at ProFramework 2.0.4 a workaround is provided for older SEAL DVS Viewer versions. To activate the workaround manually add the object handler DRAW_ORIGINAL to every ProFramework application and add the parameter SEAL_WORKAROUND and the value X. Please refer to Object Handler for additional information.
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