CFM Expand Options
Default expand options in configuration for users
The user can define in the configuration display widget which nodes should be displayed open by default. With this function "Default expansion configuration for users" an administrator can make this setting for one or more users. This is especially intended for the initial setup of ProNovia SAP PLM ConfigurationManager or for new users.
This function is protected by an authorization object, see ProNovia SAP PLM ConfigurationManager Integration and Enhancement Manual.
With this function you can:
Directly edit the expand options of a single user:
Enter in the area "Reference user / direct editing" a valid user name
Using the push button "Maintain expand options" the maintenance dialogue is called
Copy the setting of one user to any other users:
Enter in the area "Reference user / direct editing" the user name, which should be used as reference
Select in the area "Copy settings to" the users, to which the settings should be copied
With "execute" the users will be selected and shown
Users with a green icon have already the correct setting
Users with a yellow icon will be processed when pressing "save"
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