Container Types

Containers are used to structure elements on masks and to group elements in tree forms. Containers are interpreted differently depending on the form type.

Dummy container

A dummy container is used on forms to group elements invisibly. This makes it possible to keep elements together within a container layout and group the contained elements accordingly. For example, dummy container makes it possible to format certain areas within a visual group as Fix Flow and other areas as Grid without visually delineating these areas. Dummy containers are defined by the dummy container type.



A section defines a visibly delimited area for the corresponding content. Usually, this visible demarcation is visualized by appropriate spacing. Areas are defined by containers of the type layout container without title.



Groups are areas that display a title (e.g. basic data) in addition to a visible delimitation. Groups are defined by containers of type Layout with a title.



Trays are (basically) expandable areas with a corresponding title. Trays can be used to display less relevant areas on the screen collapsed, or to allow the user to collapse areas to increase clarity. Trays are defined by containers of type Layout with the property expandable.

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