Initial Creation Plant View
The example covers the following case:
Material will be released at the client level. (Material is handled with ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager (PRM)).
As a result:
Creation of Planning View in Plant 1000 via ProMaterialData.
With purchasing type X, which can be changed manually to F or E, after the plant view has been created.
Triggers another ProMaterialData action, see also example 5.2 / Extension Plant View.
The creation respects the following dependencies:
Material type HALB
Industry sector M
PRM configuration type PLMMAT*
PRM processing scenario *IN (initial, first implementation of material)
Laboratory/office 100 or 101
Current material status TV,LV or RV (validation status)
New material status TG,LG or RG (release status client)
Control Group
Selection Rules / Filters
Dependent Values
Filter for Control Group Selection
Selection Control Group
Value Group
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