BOM Specific integration spot and methods (SMC)

BOM Specific integration spot and methods (SMC)

For the BOM specific object type relations exists following integration points:











Each of this integration points provides following enhancement methods:



Called before crating and changing bill of materials.

Handling of own data after changing a BOM.

Handling of own data after creating a BOM.

Handling of own data after deleting a BOM.

When creating plant specific structures and the corresponding plant view does not exists,
then this method is called. This integration point is used by SMC itself to, for integrating MMS.

Only available for IPRS>MAST.
Allows to fill own BOM data depending on the iPPE product structure data. Below an example for
filling the item number and sort string depending on characteristic values assigned to PVS nodes.
Note that all fields in the target item structure can be filled via the structure data table,
using as key <structure name>\<field name>.
See example.

METHOD /pch/if_smc_str_badi_iprs_mast~build_bom_data_from_prod_struc. CONSTANTS: c_char_item_no TYPE atnam VALUE 'ZBM_POSNR' , c_char_sort_string TYPE atnam VALUE 'ZBM_SORTP' . DATA: lv_value TYPE string , ls_data TYPE /pch/ippe_additional_data . FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_struc> TYPE /pch/ippe_prod_struc_info , <ls_iprs> TYPE /pch/ippe_prod_struc_info , <lv_data> TYPE any . . "wir setzen folgende Felder: " /PCH/SMC_MAST_ITEM_FIELDS-ITEM_NO > aus Klassifizierung übergeordneter "Sicht(PVS)" " /PCH/SMC_MAST_ITEM_FIELDS-SORTSTRING > dito LOOP AT ct_prod_struc_bom ASSIGNING <ls_struc> WHERE applobj_type = /pch/cl_ippe_prod_struc_srv=>c_ppe_const-ppe_objtype-component. "Positionsnummer und Sortbegriff READ TABLE it_prod_struc_ippe ASSIGNING <ls_iprs> WITH KEY record_id = <ls_struc>-record_id. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. WHILE sy-subrc = 0. "hoch bis Gliederungsknoten IF <ls_iprs>-sub_type = 'S_VW'. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE it_prod_struc_ippe ASSIGNING <ls_iprs> WITH KEY record_id = <ls_iprs>-parent_id. ENDWHILE. CHECK <ls_iprs>-sub_type = 'S_VW'. TRY. /pronovia/cl_classif_services=>get_char_value_single( EXPORTING iv_char_name = c_char_item_no iv_class_type = '053' iv_object_type = 'PNODID' iv_object_key = <ls_iprs>-guid IMPORTING ev_char_value = lv_value ). IF lv_value IS NOT INITIAL. ls_data-key = '/PCH/SMC_MAST_ITEM_FIELDS\ITEM_NO'. CREATE DATA ls_data-data LIKE lv_value. ASSIGN ls_data-data->* TO <lv_data>. <lv_data> = lv_value. INSERT ls_data INTO TABLE <ls_struc>-data. ENDIF. /pronovia/cl_classif_services=>get_char_value_single( EXPORTING iv_char_name = c_char_sort_string iv_class_type = '053' iv_object_type = 'PNODID' iv_object_key = <ls_iprs>-guid IMPORTING ev_char_value = lv_value ). IF lv_value IS NOT INITIAL. ls_data-key = '/PCH/SMC_MAST_ITEM_FIELDS\SORTSTRING'. CREATE DATA ls_data-data LIKE lv_value. ASSIGN ls_data-data->* TO <lv_data>. <lv_data> = lv_value. INSERT ls_data INTO TABLE <ls_struc>-data. ENDIF. CATCH /pronovia/cx_invalid_object ##no_handler. ENDTRY. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD.

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