Authorizations in Trace
Certain ProBasicLib functions are controlled by standard SAP authorization objects. The authorization objects, fields and values are described in the tables below.
In order to run ProNovia, the following authorization is required:
Authorization object | Field | Value | Description |
Z_PRON_TRC | BEGRU | EXEC | Authorization group to check the authorization for execution. |
| ACTVT | 16 | Necessary required for execution. |
| 36 | Trace evaluation also allowed for other users (activation and display). |
Variant maintenance
In order to save ProBasicLib variants, the following authorization is required:
Authorization object | Field | Value | Description |
Z_PRON_TRC | BEGRU | VARI | Authorization group to check whether variants may be saved. |
| ACTVT | 02 | Necessary required to safe variants. |
| 36 | Variants can also be edited or deleted by other users. |
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