CDB Authorization
The descriptions of the authorization objects and their use within ProBaseline are listed below.
Authorization objects in SAP cannot be created in the /PRONOVIA/ name space. Therefore the ProNovia authorization objects are in the customer namespace Z*
Running ProBaseline Transactions
To run the ProBaseline transactions, a user requires authority to execute the ProBaseline transaction codes. The usage of the ProBaseline transaction codes depends on the setup (see After the Installation).
The CDB transaction codes are:
/PCH/CDB ProBaseline main transaction
The old transaction codes are still supported:
/PRONOVIA/PBL (old ProBaseline main transaction)
Configuring ProBaseline Transactions
To use the function Settings Setup Transactions in the main transaction, authorizations are required. See CDB | ProBaseline | User Manual for how to configure CDB transactions.The authorization object Z_PRON_PBL controls the authorization for configuring ProBaseline transactions.
BEGRU | ACTVT | Description |
TCTR | 70 | Required to configure CDB transactions. |
ProBaseline Layouts
ProBaseline allows saving layouts. These layouts can either be for personal use or for system wide use. Everyone can save or delete personal layouts (no special authorization required).
The authorization object Z_PRON_PBL controls the authorization for saving and maintaining system layouts or layouts from other users.
BEGRU | ACTVT | Description |
LAY | 36 | System layouts can be created, but only own layouts (personal or system) can be overwritten and deleted. |
70 | System layouts can be created and any system layout can be overwritten or deleted, even if created by other users. |
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