CDB Functions

ProBaseline can either be used by its transaction codes or by direct integration in customer code using the provided ProBaseline function modules. For information about parameters, see description within function modules.

Function Module


Function Module




Without any parameters, this function runs as the main transaction /PCH/CDB, calling the selection screen, reading the data and calling an output processor.
By using the parameters, specific behavior can be programmed.

Selection Screen


Processes the CDB MAST selection dialog.

Reading and collecting data


Reads data according the selection.


If reading the data is made by an external program or if additional data is read using a corresponding CDB BusinessAddIn, use this function to collect the data in the object table.


Returns the current BOM data, when exploding BOM and collecting data. To be used in the BAdIs to read own data.

Output processors


Output processor for ALV Grid output. Supporting subscreen or full screen output.


Simple ABAP list output processor. Supporting subscreen or full screen output.


PDF output processor using a SAPscript form. Only file output supported.


Output processor to create SEAL plot jobs. Only available if the according SEAL software is installed.


Output processor for a tree display. Supporting subscreen or full screen output.


Output processor for various text outputs according the output processor definition. Only file output supported.

Service functions


Create default ALV field catalogue, either in the SLIS_T_FIELDCAT_ALV or the LVC_T_FCAT format.


Calls the object dialog (on line double click) as defined in basic customizing.


Build CDB default context menu (not in AFW).


Executes default context menu commands (not in AFW).


Creates default CDB header lines for HTML output (e.g. for ALV Grid).


Creates default CDB header lines for ABAP list output.

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