ADM Customer Exits
Functions of the ProAdmin can be extended or restricted by various customer exits.
The following table shows all available customer exits. For all customer exits, templates are available in the functions library /PRONOVIA/ADMEXA, in which the parameters are described.
Customer-Exit Copy Template | Usage |
Set document status / administrator PRONOVIA/ADM_X_DOC_SET_STANAM | Customer exit is called before and after data input. |
Delete change number / document revision /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_DOC_REMOVE_AEN | Customer exit is called before and after data input. |
Assign new original /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_DOC_ORIG_ADD | Customer exit is called before and after a new original has been assigned to the document info record. |
Remove original /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_DOC_ORIG_DEL | Customer exit is called before or after one or more originals have been removed from a document info record. |
Maintain characteristic value document /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_DOC_MAINT_CLAS | Customer exit is called before and after a characteristic value to a document info record has be maintained. |
Mass function change document type /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_DOC_TYPE_CHNG | Customer exit is called at different times during mass function change document type. Please refer to Parameter „PF_CALL". |
Mass function change part document /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_DOC_PART_CHNG | Customer exit is called at different times during mass function "Change part document". Please refer to parameter „PF_CALL". |
Mass function change document status /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_DOC_STAT_CHNG | Customer exit is called at different times during mass function "Change document status". Please refer to parameter „PF_CALL". |
Import originals: Initialization /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ORIG_IMP_INIT | Customer exit is called at different times during function "Import originals". Please refer to parameter „PF_CALL". |
Import original: analyze file name /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ORIG_IMP_PARSE | Customer exit is called to analyze file names for originals to import. It is necessary to evaluate the document info record, the application and eventually the original number, if an existing original should be replaced. The customer exit can indicate the need for a standard analysis (please refer to ProAdmin, User Manual, file name format). |
Import originals: before / after import /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ORIG_IMP_EXEC | Customer exit is called for each original before and after the import is performed. |
Export originals: filter documents /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ORIG_EXP_FILTR | Customer exit is called to filter document info records from which originals have to be exported. Please use customer exit "Export originals: before and after export of an original", if only certain originals from a document info record should not be exported. |
Export originals: before and after export of an original /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ORIG_EXP_EXEC | Customer exit is called before and after exporting originals in the mass function "Export originals". |
Delete content versions. Filter documents /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_CV_DEL_FILTR | Customer exit is called to filter document info records, from which content versions have to be deleted. Specific filtering of content versions is not possible. |
Check in originals: Filter documents /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ORIG_CKI_FILTR | Customer exit is called to filter document info records to which not checked-in originals have been found. |
Check- in originals: before after Check In /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ORIG_CKI_EXEC | Customer exit is called before and after check-in of originals in the function "Check-in originals". |
Detach originals: filter documents /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ORIG_DISC_FLTR | Customer exit is called to filter document info records in the function „Detach originals". |
Set material status /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_MAT_SET_MSTAE | Customer exit is called before and after setting the required data. |
Delete material revision /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_MAT_REMOVE_REV | Customer exit is called before and after setting the required data. |
Maintain characteristic value material /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_MAT_MAINT_CLAS | Customer exit is called before and after maintaining a characteristic value in a material master record. |
Set change master status /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ECM_SET_AENST | Customer exit is called before and after setting the required data. |
Mass function characteristic value or all objects /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_CLASS_MASS | Customer exit is called for all selected objects in the mass function for characteristic values. |
Add customer specific functions /PRONOVIA/ADM_X_ADD_FUNCTIONS | This enhancement allows adding customer specific functions in the function menu. |
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