CHD Function Modules
The function modules, listed in the table below can be helpful for the ProChangeDoc implementation from external programs.
Function modules | Description |
/PRONOVIA/CHD_INIT | Initialization of for a primary document. All necessary internal data will be set-up. |
/PRONOVIA/CHD_CHECK_ACTIVE | Checks, if a document is configured for . |
/PRONOVIA/CHD_GET_CHANGE_DOC | Returns all internal data including the document key, the document type and all internal control data of the change document. |
/PRONOVIA/CHD_GET_MAIN_DOCS | Returns primary documents for a change document. Normally this is one document info record. Only for ProConfiguration more primary documents can be possible. |
/PRONOVIA/CHD_SET_CTRL_DATA | Sets specific control data acc. to parameters. |
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