
Normally ProMaterialData is executed directly when a material master records is updated via the ProNovia SAP Integration (SAPINT, Integration Point MATSAVEEXI, see UTI Documentation). Such an update started using transaction MM01 / MM02 or via API MATERIAL_MAINTAIN_DARK. See note below about Batch Input.
The default execution of ProMaterialData can be extended or restricted by various Customer Exits..

If other than the supported data should be handled, this can be made using Customer Exits or by implementing own value handlers, see .

If you want to execute ProMaterialData outside a material master update process, ProMaterialData can be called using the provided functions.

If the material master record is created or changed using batch input, the option RACOMMIT = 'X' must be used. Otherwise the ProMaterialData actions will not be executed.
  DATA ls_btc_options TYPE ctu_params.
. . .
"this option is required that MMS actions will be executed:
  ls_btc_options-racommit = 'X'. 
"more option as required in your process
  ls_btc_options-dismode = 'E'.
. . .

OPTIONS FROM ls_btc_options. 
"with RACOMMIT=X COMMIT WORK is NOT executed by batch input
"(note: in this example MM02 makes commit anyway)

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