Classes / Methods / Function Module

Functions starting with /PRONOVIA/PRM_BAPI_ can be called using RFC.

Static Method / Function Module


Static Method / Function Module



Defines objects for a material.


Defines material relations for a document.


Defines object identification, name, organization key, and object type for a document (e.g. via customer exit).


Defines configuration type of a material.


Defines different key data of a material or from suported organizational units in regard to CFProConfigurationM.


Sets status for a material or a supported organizational unit, including status selection and object dialogue. All dependent objects will be handled.
Note that for processing a change without dialog (batch / RFC) all relevant data (change number, processing scenario, status, etc.) in the structure PS_STAINFO_NEW must be filled correctly.

With the table parameter PT_OBJECT_CTRL the selection of the optional objects can be controlled. For how to use the field NOWBDCTRL, see customizing manual à Processing Scenarios à Object Control à Field Without dialog.


Call of the old CFM Workbench. For the call of ProConfiguration running in a AFW application, see AFW documentation.

Standard function (PF_FUNCTION, Standard =>c_wb_func_config_info) will call the workbench to view the actual configuration with all object functions.

If objects must be selectable, it can only be controlled in the transfer structure PSX_CONTROL (only for /PRONOVIA/PRM_WORKBENCH_CALL) using field SELMAT (material selection), SELDP (DP selection if defined as allowed entry) and SELDOC (document selection). The actual object selection is possible in the context menu of the objects.


Returns changes made on a data package.


Defines data package for the material master.


Defines possible data package types for a material master or configuration type.


Returns valid raw material documents for a raw material record. This documents will be linked to other configurations if raw materials are referenced.


Creates list of all active processing scenarios for all status types.


Returns actual value set by /PRONOVIA/_PRM_SET_API_FLAG


Gets ProConfiguration specific additional data for a document info record.


Defines data package type and additional data for a data package document info record.


Returns "day" change master record.


Returns data to actual material and actual status in a material save event (MM01/MM02). Please consider data can change depending on the moment of call.

To be used while saving the material, e.g. while executing the ProNovia material save-exit and integrated customer exits. (also see 5, Installation and Integration into SAP).

Exception: While executing customer exit "Before ProConfiguration actions, while saving material" this function can not be used.

Calling this function beyond the above mentioned process, an error will be signalized.


Defines the successor status for a material or for a supported organizational unit.


Initiates the global memory areas for ProConfiguration.


This function call allows selective deletion of object data in the memory kept by the ProConfiguration (PRONOVIA/PRM_DEFINE_OBJECTS).


Returns list of revisions and changes for a material.


Creates a new part family (without material record). If necessary a new family class is also created.


Display and maintenance of family data, depending on parameters and settings.


Selection of successor status from a status list.


Transfers configuration type for ProConfiguration during initial data creating.

his function must be used when the material number exit has already been executed. Else the configuration type will be asked for again while saving the new material.


Shows status log of a material.


Set filter values for object data handler to increase performance of mass operations.

Filters can be set for SAP object types, document types and organizational units. Without parameter all filter will be reset.

All filters will stay active until reset.

Note: If filters are set, the data will always be read from the data base, without buffering (only object data, customizing data will be buffered anyway).


Returns actual used filters of object data handler.


Defines object type for object identification.


Reads material status log.


This function modules controls whether a document status according to the setting in the object dependencies must be ignored.

In the actual version only valid for document status, which has been set via "multiple valid document versions".


Allows checking if an actual object action (e.g. status change) was started from the object relationships or not.


If parameter PF_API_FLAG is set to a value other than space (<> ' '), then the ProConfiguration functions are disabled (safe material, status change document, save document). All ProConfiguration relevant data must be maintained manually. Setting parameter PF_API_FLAG = SPACE, ProConfiguration will be reactivated.

The structure PS_API_CTRL controls different ProConfiguration functions; please see 7.3, Tables and Structures.

If only a single value must be set, the actual settings in the work structure should be loaded using /PRONOVIA/PRM_GET_API_FLAG. The desired field can then be changed exclusively. Afterwards the modified structure can be handed over to /PRONOVIA/PRM_SET_API_FLAG. This way changes made from other programs will not be overwritten unintentionally.


Returns data from the actual ProConfiguration Workbench session (only old workbench).


Defines storage category for a document template, if set in parameter setting Definition Storage Category. For details please see ProConfiguration customizing manual.


Access to object validities and revision levels. Methods for creating and manipulating validities entries and revision levels and methods for shifting alternative dates.


CFM changes are always processed using an instance of this class (material, plant, data package, …). By retrieving the instance of a specific object and presetting the values for the change, the data can be preset and if all data is specified no user dialoges will be processed.

The Instance of a object must be retrieved by calling the static method GET_INSTANCE.

Validity / revision data can be provided using the methods CHANGE_PREPARE and CHANGE_ VALIDATE.

To preset status change data, use method SET_STATUS_CHANGE_FILTER.

With the method SET_OBJECT_CONTROL the selection of the optional objects can be controlled. For how to use the field NOWBDCTRL, see customizing manual à Processing Scenarios à Object Control à Field Without dialog.


Static method to define if the change with a change number used for a specific object was declined or not.

/PRONOVIA/CLA_PRM_CFI_OBJ_ROOT and its sub classes

This classes allows to read parts or complete ProConfiguration configuration (entry material, validities, organization units, data Packages, objects, ...).
For how to use this classes, see program /PRONOVIA/PRM_CFI_DEMO.

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