Product Kits / Downloads

  • Only customers with a valid maintenance contract can access a download page and accordingly only then have such a ticket assigned in the support portal.

  • If the ticket described below is missing for our organization, please contact us using the support center.

ProNovia's products are delivered as SAP transport request files and can then be installed on customer systems. Installation details can be found in the "Installation and Integration into SAP" section of the Systems Manual.

Access to the customer-specific download pages is via direct web links, which are provided in the form of a ticket in the Support Center. To access this ticket, proceed as follows:

  • Log in to the Support Center with your account.

  • In the upper right corner, click on Requests → All

  • Enter the following selection:

    Notice that "Closed requests" is also checked under "Status".

  • In the found requests, there should be a ticket titled "Download Link for ProNovia Products" and provide the link in the description:

Product Donwload Site Example

On the product download page, in addition to the links to the product packages, the necessary information and links to the documentation are also shown.


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